วันเสาร์ที่ 12 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Contribute to rethinking the role of the mortgage - to pay off your mortgage and

It is generally accepted that the government is bad. But, have received millions of happy owners with loans from the government will not agree. The United States government is very generous and helpful when it comes to buying assistance to taxpayers, their homes. It is a pretty well-kept secret that is the good old Uncle Sam:

a loan) directly, the money for a down payment,
Co b) sign a loan by a bank or a private lender fees> Home in its entirety, or
c) is sufficient to give the government money free to buy a house, you should not be reimbursed.

Is that sound unbelievable to you? Well, it's true. If you buy a house, or attempt to keep a house, you already know the difficulties, but it allows the government may be willing to do all these things to help you, and then some. Prior to selling a house, you think that you can not pay, or you buy aProperty with a loan from the bank without interest, or fully with every purchase of a house and continue to waste hard earned money on rent, I suggest you reading the many possibilities right can be taken from public loans at home and benefit from subsidies for free. The following three points could save literally hundreds of thousands of dollars.

If you could be for a small house, small houses, or even something thatused as a bachelor "pad, you may be able to avoid the fat cats at banks and credit unions, and the one very low interest-free loans to state-owned, received at home a little funding." This type of government loan is paid directly to you from the government, which could not directly where you send your monthly payments to be easier.

Or if you are in a larger property or, if you will, the government can notwilling to lend the money itself, but willing under certain circumstances, a government bank loans from a private lender information obtained. In this case, it would need guarantees, or use your new house as collateral for the bank to take from you if you happen to give default on payments. Basically, this is a promise between you, the bank, and Uncle Sam says that if he did not pay the mortgage forBank, covering the government. This allows the bank the flexibility to substantially lower interest rates if you have thousands of dollars each year.

The third option, hold your hats now, the government's money to buy your home for free. The money is free. The government has billions of dollars, this time to support scholarships for first home buyers, grants and subsidies for home from home. The procedure is similar, albeit much morelonger and more detailed than a mortgage of government, but the interesting thing is that you never pay for that price. It is quite possible in full, a deposit for a new house, fund or pay the past due mortgage on your current home to keep, no credit check, in no uncertain terms of repayment and no interest ... just a lot of money free government.

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