วันพุธที่ 2 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Home only interest on the mortgage - good or bad?

It is an interest only mortgage a good idea or bad for the financing of a house? "These loans have become very popular and are one of many types of resources available for the property.

Disagreement over whether a housing mortgage loan only interest is a good idea for the average homeowner with a valid point is made on both sides. If you are in the market for a home, you need to take into account allFinancing options for you and your ability to repay.

Here are some guides and disadvantages of interest to keep track of both sides of this type of financing.

If you are employed full-time, single and making a good salary, then an interest only mortgage loan can not be the best financing for you. Why you can pay the loan at low interest rates, and in less time with anotherType of loan program.

On the other hand, you can save lots of money to pay interest only. It is possible that if it were invested in safe investments are sufficient not only to repay the principle of mutual, but still some money for you, at the same time.

This is obviously a gamble, because how many people actually invest the savings? However, if you other financial obligations, it isInterest.

If you are interested in seasonal employment work, as in the tourism industry, you may find that the payment of monthly installments, you give us the freedom to pay a minimum amount when you are "out of season."

But during the time in which you work, you can advance from the principle plus interest.

The risk of paying a refund of mortgage interest that is never reimbursed.Unless, that is, prices for homes in your area, you have not made equity in your home.

You can pay the monthly mortgage on an interest only mortgage, how to pay the rent. You can still have a safety net not to sell your house to collect money when you are dealing with emergency situations in your life.

As a young professional in his early days, but this is not a problem, you should note. But if you are married and raise a family, should seriously consider the consequences, not the type of mortgage that you can create a financial safety net.

Home equity provides a financial safety, be useful if you really need to use it can make. This should be a for the decision to choose the home loan.

A lower monthly mortgage payment is always attractive on paper, but consider all the consequences before the option of a> The only mortgage as a means to finance your home.

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